
  • Posted on September 13, 2016 by in 2010년 이후, 한국농림기상학회

    한국농림기상학회 2016년 학술발표회

    한국농림기상학회는 2016년 9월 7-9일, 제주 국립원예특작과학원 온난화대응농업연구소에서 가을학술발표회를 개최하여, 회원 상호간 연구실적 및 정보 교류와 우의를 나누는 자리를 마련하였습니다. 특히 올해 학술발표회에는 세계 작물모형 전문가 모임인 AgMIP (Agricultural Model Inter-comparison and Improvement Project)의 동아시아지역 워크샵을 함께 병행하여, 국제학술대회로 개최 하였으며, 각국의 농업모형 전문가들과 함께 관련기술과 정보를 교류하는 뜻깊은 시간을 함께 하였습니다.

    | 장소: 제주 온난화대응농업연구소 (제주특별자치도 제주시 아연로 281)
    | 일시: 2016년 9월 7-9일(수-금)

    ㅁ Opening Ceremony

    ∙ Opening address / Bu-Yong Lee (President of KSAFM)

    ∙ Welcome address / Hyeong-Ho Seo (Director of RICCA)

    ∙ Congratulatory address / Young-Shin Chun (Director of NTC)

    ㅁ Invited Lecture 1

    National Center for Agro-Meteorology (NCAM): Communication and Sharing / Eun-Woo Park (Director of NCAM)

    ㅁ Session 1: Oral Presentation (Chair: Joon Kim)
    The Re-estimation of Annual Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 with Standardized FLUXNET Eddy-Covariance Data Processing in an Apple Orchard of South Korea / S. H. Min, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences [PDF]
    A Modification of the Moving Point Test Method for Nighttime Eddy CO2 Flux Filtering on Hilly and Complex Terrain / M. S. Kang, National Center for AgroMeteorology [PDF]
    Comparison of Radiation Use Efficiency (RUE) and Leaf Gas-exchange Model with Napa Cabbage / K. H. Moon, Research Institute of Climate Change and Agriculture [PDF]
    Response of the Sapflux Density and Decoupling Coefficient of Deciduous and Coniferous Species to Wind Speed and their Effects on Air Temperature Reduction / J. H. Park, Seoul National University [PDF]
    Relationship between Rice Yield and Abnormally Meteorological Features for El-Niño Years in South Korea / K. M. Shim, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences [PDF]
    Generation and Verification on the Synthetic Precipitation/Temperature Data / J. H. Oh, Bukyong National University [PDF]
    A Study on Ultra-high Resolution Season Prediction System for a Practical Usage to Agricultural Community / J. H. Oh, Bukyong National University [PDF]
    Sensitivity of the NCAM High-Resolution Numerical Model Simulation to Two Different Initial and Boundary Datasets / S. J. Lee, National Center for AgroMeteorology [PDF]
    Development of Micro-Scale CFD Model to Predict Wind Environment on Complex Terrain / T. H. Ha, Seoul National University [PDF]


    ㅁ Side Events: AgMIP Technical Meeting : AgMIP-EA working group meeting

    ㅁ Welcome Dinner (클릭하면 큰 사진으로 볼 수 있습니다.)


    ㅁ Invited Lecture 2

    Lessons from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project: Perspectives from Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) on the AgMIP East Asia / Jae-Cheol NAM (Vice administrator, KMA)

    ㅁ Session 2: 3rd AgMIP East Asia Regional Workshop (Chair: Kwang-soo Kim)
    Overview and Goal of the 3rd AgMIP-EastAsia / K. S. Kim, Korea
    Effects of Geography, Weather Variability, and Climate Change on Potato Model Uncertainty / D. Fleisher, USA [PDF]
    Risk of High Temperatures on Rice Production in China: Observation, Simulation and Prediction / W. Shi, China [PDF]
    How Can a Combination of Increasing Temperatures and Rising Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Affectr Ice Yield and Quality in Japan? / T. Kuwagata, Japan [PDF]
    Local Scale Simulations for Growth Diagnosis and Future Projections for Yield and Qualities by using Various Type of Meteorological Database and Climatological Scenarios / M. Nishimori, Japan [PDF]
    Simulation of Rice Growth at a High Spatial Resolution using RCP Scenarios / J. H. Kim, Korea [PDF]
    Research Progress and Application of NAU-CropGrow Model / L. Tang, China [PDF]
    Assessment of Benefit and Risk on Shifting Planting Date as a Climate Change Adaptation Option / K. S. Kim, Korea [PDF]


    ㅁ Session 3: Poster Presentation (Coordinator: Seong-Ki Kim and Hyo-Jung Kim)
    Development of Growth Information Monitoring and Remote Control System based on ICT / K. H. Hwang, K. Y. Hong, and H. C. Seo [PDF]
    Study on Frost Prediton Model with Machine Learning Method / Y. S. Kim, K. M. Shim, M. P. Jeong, I. T. Choi, and K. K. Kang [PDF]
    GPU Based PRISM Calculation for High Resolution Estimation of Precipitation / J. H. Park, Y. S. Shin, W. S. Kang, S. K. Kim, Y. K. Han, and E. W. Park [PDF]
    Quantitative Precipitation Estimation obtained by 0.1mm Tipping Bucket Raingauge / S. Hong, H. J. Lee, Y. S. Lee, R. S. Choi, and C. S. Kang [PDF]
    Regional Variability Analysis for Pear Scab by Risk Forecast Model and Suitable Area Map of Pear based on RCP 8.5 & 4.5 scenario / M. I. Ahn, S. K. Kim, W. S. Kang, J. S. Park, Y. K. Han, S. C. Yun, and E. W. Park [PDF]
    Regional Variability Analysis for Pepper Anthracnose Risk by RCP 8.5 & 4.5 Scenario / M. I. Ahn, S. K. Kim, W. S. Kang, J. S. Park, Y. K. Han, S. C. Yun, and E. W. Park [PDF]
    Development System Providing Information for Pest Control and Growth Management of Apple based on ICT / J. W. So, Y. K. Han, S. K. Kim, J. S. Park, S. M. Yoon, J. S. Lee, M. I. Ahn, and E. W. Park [PDF]
    Profiling of Nocturnal Temperature Inversion at an Hourly Interval / S. O. Kim, and J. I. Yun [PDF]
    Field Validation of the Sky-condition based Lapse Rate Estimation Scheme / S. O. Kim, and J. I. Yun [PDF]
    Relationship between the Observed Sunshine Duration and the Grid Cell Brightness in Complex Terrain / S. H. Kim, S. O. Kim, and J. I. Yun [PDF]
    Estimation of Sunshine Duration in a Mountainous Watershed Using the KMA Sky-Condition Forecast Product / S. H. Kim, S. O. Kim, and J. I. Yun [PDF]
    Development of a Gridded Data Processing Tool for Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment Data / B. H. Yoo, and K. S. Kim [PDF]
    Estimating Daily Solar Radiation Using Angstrom-Prescott Equation in Korea / S. W. Hyun, and K. S. Kim [PDF]
    Outlook on the Marginal Date for Economic Harvest as Affected by Planting Date Migration in Kimchi Cabbage / J. H. Kim, and J. I. Yun [PDF]
    Phenological Changes of Monochamus alternatus and M. saltuarius in Response to Climate Change / H. S. Lee, J. K. Jung, Y. W. Nam, W. I. Choi, and S. H. Koh [PDF]
    Vegetation Changes of Abies koreana Forest in Yeongsil Area of Hallasan Mountain / K. M. Song, Y. J. Kang, and C. S. Kim [PDF]
    The Weather Condition for the First Spawning of Hynobius quelpartensis in Warm- Temperate Forest: Temperature and Precipitation / E. M. Kim, C. W. Kang, and S. C. Jung [PDF]
    Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change on Factors of Rice Paddy Water Cycle / N. Y. Park, S. K. Choi, M. K. Kim, S. O. Hur, and S. C. Hong [PDF]
    Comparison of Net Carbon Budget between Barley-Rice Double Cropping Paddy and Rice Mono Paddy / K. M. Shim, S. H. Min, Y. S. Kim, M. P. Jeong, I. T. Choi, and K. K. Kang [PDF]
    Effect of Elevated Temperature and CO2 Concentration on The Incidence of Hot Pepper Bacterial Spot / J. H. Joa, S. W. Koh, H. S. Kim, and O. R. Song [PDF]
    Impact of Temperature Change on the Voltinism of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Naranga aenescens Moore (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) / J. J. Ahn, K. S. Choi, and S. W. Kho [PDF]
    The Estimation of Drought in Gyeonggi Province according to RCPs Scenario / O. Ju, G. J. Lim, H. S. Soh, S. W. Han, and C. S. Kang [PDF]
    Technical Documentation and Application of MP-MAS / H. Y. Kim, S. W. Choi, and J. Kim [PDF]
    An Agrometeorological Reference Index for Projecting Weather-Related Crop Risk under Climate Change Scenario / D. J. Kim, J. H. Kim, and J. I. Yun [PDF]
    A Quantification Scheme for High Wind Risk in Crops at a Landscape Scale within a Watershed / D. J. Kim, J. H. Shin, and J. I. Yun [PDF]
    Area Detection for Flood Inundation in Akyang Watershed Caused by a Once-in-100 Year Heavy Rainfall Event / E. J. Yun, and J. I. Yun [PDF]
    Obvservation and Analysis of Free Water Surface Evaporation in the Yongdam Dam Experimental Basin / B. Y. Lee, Y. K. Kim, and H. S. Lee [PDF]
    Effect of Plastic Mulch on Heterodera schachtii Population in Chinese Cabbage / Faisal Kabir, Abraham M Okki, J. E. Kim, M. G. Jeong, J. K. Lee, and D. W. Lee [PDF]
    Effect of Fluctuating Temperature on the Damage Potential of Heterodera schachtii on Chinese Cabbage / Faisal Kabir, Abraham M Okki, J. E. Kim, M. G. Jeong, J. K. Lee, and D. W. Lee [PDF]


    ㅁ Side Events: AgMIP Technical Meeting : AgMIP-EA working group meeting


    ㅁ Group photo (클릭하면 큰 사진으로 볼 수 있습니다.)


    ㅁ Field Tour (Fri, Sep 9)

    ㅁ Korea-China AgMIP-East Asia Committee meeting (Sat, Sep 10)

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